Real time access to student critical information for your coaches, faculty, and staff

CareCircles App

Key Features

See students who need to be self-carrying medications, conditions, parent contact info, symptoms, and individualized treatment plans

Students with Self-Carry Medications

Students highlighted in red have critical conditions requiring self-carry medcations. Icons share the condition at-a-glance.

Parent Contact Info

Access each students parent contact information and personal information

Critical Information

See information quickly about students' conditions and symptoms, including their attached pdf action plan

Why CareCircles?

At a track meet at a local high school an athlete fainted. This left the adults in shock and without a treatment plan, because they had no place to easily check whether this student had a health condition or if this student had a treatment action plan. This inspired me to create the CareCircles App, for emergencies like this in the future.In an emergency...every second matters.

See Inside

Key Features:✔ Pre-formed Circles – Quickly view critical information for the students you supervise in circles you create.
✔ Self-Carry Medications – Easily check which students must carry epinephrine, inhalers, or glucagon by red highlight and icon for self-carry medication.
✔ Emergency Conditions – At-a-Glance for students with conditions needing epinephrine, inhaler, glucagon, or not permitted to swim.
✔ Emergency Action Plans – Access step-by-step guidance from the student's action plans provided by the student's family.

Parents provide and consent for this information to be shareable with the school

Home Page

Displays a list of students with conditions and icons for emergency medications and activity restrictionsPlease note the data in this demo are fictional
Appropriate HIPAA FERPA State Laws and School Policies Apply and Appropriate Consents and Waivers are Necessary from Parents and Students over 18 yo

Create a Group

Add a couple of students to a new group to give you quick access to a subset of students you are interacting with or responsible for

Group view

Tap on your group and see a list of the students inside it, easily find any of their information

Home View with Groups

On your homescreen, the top panel displays all the groups you have created so you can easily navigate between them

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